
 The NAFSCC Board has created a list of curated resources to assist in finding the best materials for your small groups.  Many members have found this helpful. If you have materials that you would like to suggest for the list, please email to

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Small Christian Community Resources

Curated by NAFSCC

Free Downloadable Faith Sharing Materials - Lectionary-Based

The Best of Quest (Reprinted with permission of the Archdiocese of Hartford and published on-line by the North American Center for Marianist Studies, NACMS).  Selected from the 30 year library of Quest and Summer Reflections, Bro. Bob Moriarty, S.M. (Director, Pastoral Department for Small Christian Communities, 1989-2017) has assembled this collection. Covering all weeks of the year, including feasts and solemnities, the first edition of this material begins with Lectionary Year C. It may be accessed free of charge at

Commentaries & Faith Sharing Questions on the Sunday Readings (Fr. Eamon Tobin, Pastor 2001-2021, Ascension Catholic Church, Melbourne, FL)

Small Christian Community Development

Forming Small Christian Communities

Creating Small Church Communities: A Plan for Restructuring the Parish and Renewing Catholic Life (St. Anthony Messenger Press)

Creating Small Christian Communities: Minimum Structure, Maximum Life (Good Ground Press) 


Facilitating for Growth: A Guide for Scripture Study Groups and Small Christian Communities (The Liturgical Press)

Getting a Grip on Your Group:  A Guide for Discerning Priorities in Your Small Christian Community (Good Ground Press)

Small Community Leader Training

Facilitating a Small Group (Fr. Eamon Tobin) - online resource featuring Seven Steps for Facilitating a Small Group focused on the Sunday Readings and More Guidelines for Facilitators of Small Study Groups

Facilitating for Growth: A Guide for Scripture Study Groups and Small Christian Communities (The Liturgical Press)

Small Christian Communities: A Vision of Hope for the 21st Century (RENEW International)

Sowing Seeds: Essential for Small Christian Community Leaders (RENEW International)

Small Community Leader Training Webinar from RENEW International using the resource Sowing Seeds


Evaluating Group Life

Getting a Grip on Your Group:  A Guide for Discerning Priorities in Your Small Christian Community (Good Ground Press)

Lectionary-based Faith Sharing

Prayer Time/Oremos (RENEW International) – A faith sharing resource book based on the Sunday readings. Can be used personally or with a group. 

Exploring the Sunday Readings/para meditar las Lecturas Dominicales (Alice Camille, Twenty-Third Publications) A monthly publication which makes a spiritual connection between Scripture and daily life. Each issue gives you opening and closing prayers to guide your meditations, easy-to-understand explanations that go straight to the heart of the readings, short commentaries on each reading, and practical questions for reflection.

Sunday by Sunday (Good Ground Press) - a four-page weekly publication that invites adults to reflect on the Sunday Gospel and Old Testament readings.

Theme-based Faith Sharing

Catholic Social Teaching

Faith in Action (Paulist Evangelization Ministries) - Discussion and sharing material for six sessions —all of them focused on the social teachings of the Church.


Ecology, Environment, Stewardship of the Earth, Laudato Si'

Creation at the Crossroads (RENEW International) - 12 sessions on Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology.

On Care for Our Common Home: A Group Reading Guide to Pope Francis' Laudato Si' (The Pastoral Center) - Bill Huebsch’s 7 week guide for discussion in small groups on the Pope’s encyclical.

Discussion Guide for Laudato Si' (USCCB)

Study and Action Guide for Individuals and Small Groups (Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach)


Laudato Si' Reflection Resource: On Care for our Common Home (Eco Spirituality)


Faithful Citizenship

Adult Education and Small Faith Community Sharing | Formación de adultos y pequeñas comunidades de fe (USCCB)


Family Faith Sharing

Family Faith Communities (Good Ground Press) - Easy to use, hands-on materials for family-based small Christian communities.  Offers step-by-step sessions to get a family based group started.  Includes 10 inter-generational gatherings and 10 Kitchen Table Pages for family at-home preparation.


Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Spirit of Faith (Paulist Evangelization Ministries) – Discussion and sharing material for seven sessions—all of them focused on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.



Deepening Faith (Paulist Evangelization Ministries) - Discussion and sharing material for six sessions—all of them focused on the sacraments.



Empowering Faith (Paulist Evangelization Ministries) – Discussion and sharing material for seven sessions—concentrating on the three theological virtues and four cardinal virtues.


Year of Mercy, Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Mercy, Justice

Be Merciful: Reflections on the Spiritual & Corporal Works of Mercy - booklet (The Pastoral Center)

Forgiveness and Reconciliation (RENEW International)

Having Mercy: 6 Small Group Sessions on Mercy - eResource (The Pastoral Center) English/Español

Divine Mercy (Threshold Bible Study)



Seasonal-based Faith Sharing


Advent Awakenings (RENEW International) - English and Spanish

Exploring the Sunday Readings/para meditar las Lecturas Dominicales

PrayerTime/Oremos (RENEW International) - Entire Liturgical Year in one book for Years A, B, and C

Sunday by Sunday (Good Ground Press)



Disciples On The Journey / Discipulos en la Jornada (Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament)

Exploring the Sunday Readings/para meditar las Lecturas Dominicales

Lenten Longings (RENEW International)

Living the Eucharist (Paulist Evangelization Ministries)

Open Our Hearts (Ave Maria Press)

PrayerTime/Oremos (RENEW International) - Entire Liturgical Year in one book for Years A, B, and C

Sunday by Sunday (Good Ground Press)

Various Lenten SCC Resources (The Pastoral Center for Christian Holiness)



Exploring the Sunday Readings/para meditar las Lecturas Dominicales

PrayerTime/Oremos (RENEW International) - Entire Liturgical Year in one book for Years A, B, and C

Sunday by Sunday (Good Ground Press)

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