Workshops offered by

Sr. Donna L. Ciangio, O.P.

Chairperson, NAFSCC

To Arrange a Workshop, Contact Sr. Donna!



Getting Small Communities Started in Your Parish

This workshop looks at the vision of SCCs in a parish and offers practical helps to get started.

Forming Your Parish as a School of Discipleship


Every parish has many small groups and ministries meeting.  This workshop offers ways to engage all in faith reflection as a regular part of their gatherings.


Why Should I Join a Small Faith Community? Theology and Practicalities


This workshop can help members understand and articulate the power of meeting as a ministry or Small Christian Community.


Facilitator Training


Facilitators need support and ongoing formation to optimize the experience for the small faith community.  This workshop offers ideas to enhance the life of the group as well as group dynamics and stages of growth.


What Kind of An SCC Are You? A Discernment and Growth Process


Small Communities need some time for reflection on who they are and what they are about. Each year it’s good to “take stock” both personally and as a group to make sure that you are faithful to your goals and purpose for meeting so that you are growing. Groups that take time to do this develop a stronger sense of community and openness to the action of God in the group along with a greater sense of inclusion and mission.  This workshop leads groups through the process to make them stronger and more focused.


Building A Ministering Community: Six Essential Elements


This workshop will use the lens of the six elements of Small Christian Communities: Prayer, Support, Reflection, Learning, Participation/Engagement and Mission to look at how parish ministries function and how they might be more focused.



Going Deeper With Jesus: Leading Adult Groups


How can we more effectively connect our faith, the scriptures and teachings of the Church, to the experiences of our daily lives?  This workshop will present a method called “Theological Reflection” which leaders of adult groups can use to help their group members delve deeper into their faith, their relationship with Jesus and their mission as disciples.  The skills offered in this workshop are useful to those who work with adults as leaders of small Christian communities, faith sharing groups, RCIA team members, Bible Study leaders, those involved in Cornerstone and other adult retreat processes and those working in adult catechesis.



Spirituality of Learning:  The Formation of Adults


There is a spirituality to learning in the Christian life.  Adults learn differently from children.  This workshop offers reflections on how adults learn and how parishes can support learning as an ongoing part of parish life and ministry.


Workshops Offered by

Diane Kledzik

Assoc. Director for Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation 

Office of Evangelization and Lifelong Faith Formation, Diocese of St. Petersburg

To Arrange a Workshop, Contact Diane

Phone: 727-341-6839  Email:  

Stages of Group Development in SCCs

Why do so many people leave a group when they experience the slight bit of tension?  This workshop will cover the stages of group development and how necessary each stage is in helping the small community to be church in the world.

SCCs and Evangelization


Small Christian Communities are the perfect place for the baptized to live their commission to evangelize.  Let’s explore what our baptism calls of us individually and communally and how we can continue to play an active role in living out the essential mission of the Church.  



Moving SCCs to Mission


Small Church Communities offer us the perfect setting in which to transform ourselves and our world through Jesus Christ.  This session will focus on how the Spirit can work through us in our members, methods, and materials to move us to mission.



Forming SCCs


What is the vision?  How can this vision come to fruition in the parish?  This workshop will explore the process of structuring the parish to be a community of many small communities.



SCCs and Adult Faith Formation


Small Christian Communities are permanent structures in the parish that engage participants in learning about the faith.  Discover how your parish can capitalize on the power of SCCs to further the faith life of all parishioners.



Forming a Parish Core Community


Once the vision is caught and the parish leadership intentionally wants to be a community of many small communities, the parish core community must be formed.  Come discover how to form a team to oversee community development in the parish.



Small Community Leader Training


Forming Small Community Leaders is necessary to provide a great experience for the leader as well as the participants.  Find out what helps to create an evangelizing atmosphere before, during and after the meeting and learn skills to pastorally support fellow members in building the kingdom of God.



Invitation to SCCs


“If you build it, they will come!”  This “building” includes how you will invite!  Come explore some best practices and make plans to reach all those you intend.